Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Shawarma at 2:22 AM

It's a little know fact about thos his rather zesty Turkish or Lebanese dish got it's name. I am sure you have often thought about this very question late at night so here is the real answer

There was this young turkish/lebanese lad industrious, carpetseller with a strong persian wit. His days were filled with strong cups of coffee, tag team baccarat or backgammon, few rolls of carpets here and there, wrestling with the mules ....wait that was the weekend. So one day as he was rubbing this lamp a genie....wait that's another story. So one day after a long day of the arabica robusta debate and many cups cups of strong turkish coffee, chickpea cakes and a sweet tea biscuit he came home slightly buzzed. His mother could immediately sense from his eyes that this wasn't the same Ali that had left home that morning, something about the involuntary eye twitch and hand movements gace him away. She knew that there were only two things that could cause that crystalline tropane alkaloid or coffee. Since no one does crack and what mother would believe her Ali would, she naturally guessed the caffeine overdose. "Shame !!" she cried. "No dinner for you till you get decent" she bellowed. Ali's heightened senses made him sway from side to side and he did have a case of the munchies (it was never recorded if he did ever have that substance, Miss Lewinsky), nevertheless he staggered into his room and whiffed the air to figure out what was for dinner. His mother, bless her was a bit tired from all the cooking, cleaning and feeding so was actually out most of the day spying on her best friend who she suspected of stealing her recipe for goat cheese casserole. Well she wasn't stealing her recipe, but was stealing her husband so some curse words later all with a distinct "Ahhkkr" sound she came back and picked whatever meats she could to make dinner for obedient and nice Ali. Quivering Ali while getting ready for his bath, smelled a bouqet of meats and spices cooked patiently and well over a revolving skever type things like a giant mount everest inverted, or the mariana trench, or like an ice cream cone. His mother was shouting..."You ready yet, Lazy coffe drinking fool". At this opportune moment the batty hard of hearing neighbors aunt, Agatha came by she knew of the goat cheese casserole and knew that something was cooking, something new, meaty, spicy and then she loved to spy on people. "Hmmm that smells good, nice revolving meaty sandwich type thing...what is it" she asked. Ali's mother already bugged by her day shouted out "That Ali knows..that son of his father, chick pea and sweet biscuit eating .... Ali get in here and eat this". At which point the ignored Agatha askes "so what do u call this delicious thing" ...she was nibbling at it using her spare teeth. At this point Ali who could hear his name and shouting and who was in the middle of his bath shouted out "Can't hear a damn thing, let me come out of the Shower Ma". Agatha heard the last bit and well that's how the legend goes.

(Things were finally resolved, Ali's mother's husgand wasn't actually cheating and Ali was on crack)

It's true...well atleast for 2:22 AM it is

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